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The Game Kit is here!
I've made an all purpose game library named the Game Kit. The
library works in 32-bit DOS, and is written in Watcom C/C++.The current
version is 1.0.
It currently includes.
2D Bitmaps
Easy Manipulating Of Objects
18bit color!
Easy loading of graphics files
Keyboard support with custom keyboard handler
32 Bit With Watcom C/C++ (Version 10.6 but 10, 10.5, and 11 will also work)
Easy porting
Faded and semi-transparent bitmaps as well as regular bitmaps
Animation objects
Virtual buffers
Mouse support
Fixed Point Routines
Palette Routines
Free source!
Features yet to come:
Special effects such as fog, lights, and water (This can already be achieved)
Scaled and rotated bitmaps
Collision detection
Scrolling maps
3D support
Joystick support
Text in any fonts
Voxel rendering
The Future
Currently I'm working on another small board game that
uses the game kit to handle everything. Hopefully I'll still be able to
update the Game Kit sometime soon. But don't count on it cause I'm also
working another other major game.:(
System Requirements
386 or higher
Watcom C/C++ Ver. 9.5, 10.0, 10.5, 11 (they should all work)
It requires less than 2 megs of memory for operation. Additional memory
might be required by your program
Some hard disk space, about 1 meg
To Lucian's Game Programming Page
Me: gamedev@stealth.com.au